File #: 914    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Consent Proposed Rule Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/16/2025 In control: Governing Board
On agenda: 2/6/2025 Final action:
Title: Presentation, discussion, and possible action on an order proposing the repeal of sections 10 TAC ?7.34 and ?7.36, and an order proposing new sections at ?7.34 and ?7.36, and directing their publication for public comment in the Texas Register.
Sponsors: Rosy Falcon
Attachments: 1. ESG_Proposed_Ch7_OOG
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Presentation, discussion, and possible action on an order proposing the repeal of sections 10 TAC ?7.34 and ?7.36, and an order proposing new sections at ?7.34 and ?7.36, and directing their publication for public comment in the Texas Register.

WHEREAS, pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code ?2306.053, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (Department) is authorized to adopt rules governing the administration of the Department and its programs;

WHEREAS, the Department is proposing to repeal sections ?7.34, Continuing Awards; and ?7.36, General Threshold Criteria; and proposing new sections ?7.34, Continuing Awards; and ?7.36, General Threshold Criteria to maintain compliance with federal requirements; and

WHEREAS, upon Board approval, the proposed new rule will be submitted to the Texas Register to be published for public comment, which will be accepted from February 21, 2025, to March 21, 2025;

NOW, therefore, it is hereby

RESOLVED, that the Executive Director and his designees be and each them hereby are authorized, empowered, and directed, for and on behalf of the Department to cause the proposed repeal of 10 TAC ?7.34 and ?7.36, and an order proposing new sections at ?7.34 and ?7.36 in the form presented to this meeting to be published in the Texas Register for public comment and, in connection therewith, make such non-substantive technical corrections as they may deem necessary to effectuate the foregoing.

The Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program rules at 10 TAC Chapter 7, Subchapter C, provide the administrative framework for the ESG Program. In the process of applying these rules, staff routinely reviews possible areas of improvement and compliance with federal regulations. During this review, staff identified the need to update sections ?7.34, Continuing Awards and ?7.36, General Threshold Criteria.

As recipients of HUD's ESG funds, the Department is required to annually s...

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