Presentation, discussion, and possible approval to authorize the issuance of the 2025 HOME American Rescue Plan Nonprofit Capacity Building and Operating Notice of Funding Availability and publication in the Texas Register
WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs ("TDHCA" or "the Department") Second Amendment to the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan programmed additional HOME-ARP funding into nonprofit capacity building and operating (NCO) costs to support organizations in successfully carrying out HOME-ARP non-congregate shelter (NCS) development, and programmed additional funds into NCS development;
WHEREAS, in the fall of 2024, the Department submitted the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Second Amendment to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for approval, which stated that the NCO and NCS funds would be targeted in Texas areas with high costs of living, and that NCS funds would only be available to organizations that received NCO;
WHEREAS, the Department received confirmation from HUD that the second amendment was acceptable; and
WHEREAS, due to the reallocation and movement of underused funds from another activity, the total amount available for NCO is $750,000 and the total for NCS development is $64,005,338, as allowed in the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, as amended;
NOW, therefore, it is hereby
RESOLVED, that the Executive Director and his designees be and each of them hereby are authorized, empowered, and directed, for and on behalf of the Department, to release a 2025 HOME-ARP Nonprofit Capacity Building and Operating (NCO) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) in the amount of approximately $750,000, and to make any technical corrections or perform such other acts as may be necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
TDHCA was allocated $132,969,147 of funds from HUD under Section 3205 of the American Rescue Plan Act, which HUD has called the HOME-ARP Program...
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