Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an increase to the Housing Tax Credit amount for Norwood Estates (HTC #19407)
WHEREAS, Norwood Estates (the Development) received a 4% Housing Tax Credit (HTC) award in 2019 for the new construction of 228 units for the general population in Austin, Travis County;
WHEREAS, construction of the Development has been completed, and LDG Estates at Norwood, LP (the Development Owner or Owner) requests, at cost certification, to increase the annual HTC amount from $1,467,918, the amount reflected in the Determination Notice, to $2,431,282, a difference of $963,364, which represents a 65.63% increase;
WHEREAS, ?42(m)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code allows an increase of tax credits for a bond financed project when the increase is determined necessary as demonstrated through the submission of the cost certification package;
WHEREAS, 10 TAC ?10.401(d) requires approval by the Board if an increase to the amount of tax credits exceeds 120% of the amount of credit reflected in the Determination Notice; and
WHEREAS, a review of the cost certification package submitted by the Development Owner supports the need for the additional tax credits requested, and staff has determined that the increase is necessary for the viability of the transaction;
NOW, therefore, it is hereby
RESOLVED, that the housing tax credit increase for Norwood Estates requested by the Development Owner is approved as presented to this meeting, and the Executive Director and his designees are each authorized, directed, and empowered to take all necessary action to effectuate the foregoing.
Norwood Estates received a 4% HTC award in 2019 for new construction of 228 units for the general population in Austin, Travis County. On October 14, 2019, a Determination Notice was issued with an approved annual tax credit amount of $1,467,918. The residential buildings in the Development pl...
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