Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Governing Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/25/2024 10:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Greer Building, Williamson Board Room 125 E. 11th Street Austin, TX 78701
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Transcript Transcript Meeting Extra2: Board Book Board Book Meeting Extra3: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
699 11. Consent ItemPresentation, discussion, and possible action on the Board meeting minutes summary for June 13, 2024   Not available Not available
704 12. Consent ItemPresentation, Discussion, and Possible Action on the 2024 Internal Audit Charter   Not available Not available
709 13. Consent ItemTDHCA Annual Performance Measure Report - Third Quarter, 2024   Not available Not available
673 14. Consent Adopt RulePresentation, discussion, and possible action on an order adopting the repeal of 10 TAC Chapter 1, §1.21, Action by Department if Outstanding Balances Exist; an order adopting new 10 TAC Chapter 1, §1.21, Action by Department if Outstanding Balances Exist; and directing their publication in the Texas Register   Not available Not available
24-024 15. Consent Multifamily Bond ResolutionPresentation, discussion, and possible action on Inducement Resolution No. 24-024 for Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds or Notes regarding authorization for filing applications to be added to the Department’s Waiting List for private activity bond authority for 600 Building   Not available Not available
703 16. Consent Report ItemMedia Analysis and Outreach Report, June 2024   Not available Not available
707 17. Consent Report ItemReport on TDHCA One-Time or Temporary Allocations - Pandemic Response and Other Initiatives   Not available Not available
701 18. Action ItemExecutive Director’s Report   Not available Not available
706 19. Action ItemReport on the closing of the Department's Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds 2024 Series C (Tax-Exempt) and Series D (Taxable)    Not available Not available
702 110. Action ItemPresentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a waiver of 10 TAC §11.101(a)(1) of the Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), related to the Development Floodplain requirements for Hollister Apartments in Dickinson, Galveston County.   Not available Not available
705 111. Action ItemPresentation, discussion, and possible action on an appeal for Solano Apartments (#24457)   Not available Not available
696 112. Action ItemPresentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Material Amendment to the Housing Tax Credit Application for Lost Oaks (HTC #23209)   Not available Not available
697 113. Action Proposed RulePresentation, discussion, and possible action on an order proposing amendments to 10 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 10, Uniform Multifamily Rules, Subchapter I, Public Facility Corporation Compliance Monitoring §1.1103 Reporting Requirements and directing its publication for public comment in the Texas Register   Not available Not available
710 114. Action ItemPresentation, discussion, and possible action confirming obligations for those properties recommended for an award of competitive low income housing tax credits that sought and were awarded one point for committing at least an additional 2% of the total Units to Persons referred from the Continuum of Care or local homeless service providers to be made available for those experiencing homelessness under 10 TAC §11.9(c)(4) related to Residents with Special Housing Needs   Not available Not available
711 115. Action ItemPresentation, discussion, and possible action on an extension of the development period for Eastern Oaks   Not available Not available
713 117. Action ItemPresentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a waiver of 10 TAC §13.8(b)(4) of the 2022 Multifamily Direct Loan rule for Rio Manor   Not available Not available
714 118. Action ItemPresentation, discussion, and possible action on a request for return and reallocation of tax credits under 10 TAC §11.6(5) related to Credit Returns Resulting from Force Majeure Events for Celebration Paris   Not available Not available
715 119. Action ItemPresentation, discussion, and possible action regarding appeals related to the 2024 9% Housing Tax Credit Round   Not available Not available
716 120. Action ItemPresentation, discussion, and possible action regarding awards to 2024 9% Competitive Housing Tax Credit Applicants and approval of the waiting list for the 2024 Competitive Housing Tax Credit Application Round   Not available Not available